Hi All,
I am starting to investigate the idea of purchasing an existing boat/rv storage facility or raw land to develop in Florida, specifically Volusia county. I am looking to start small, 20-40 spots, basic gravel lot, fence, security etc. I am also hoping to find zoning that will allow a single family residence on the storage property that I can live in.
In Volusia county, FL specifically I have seen that B-4 general commercial zoning has a clause allowing a single family residence to be occupied by the owner on the property.
I have an abundance of questions and things to learn going forward with this, but right now my biggest question is in regards to zoning.
What are the legal zoning classifications that will allow rv/boat storage?
What zoning classifications allow rv/boat storage and a single family residence?
Is there possibility to buy a lot and have it rezone to allow rv/boat storage?
Any other advice or tips on the topic would be greatly appreciated! I would love to have a call with someone with an intimate knowledge of what I am looking to do or be referred to a rockstar commercial agent in eastern Florida.
Thank you!!!