@Kai Van Leuven I am a fairly young guy too but people always tell me I act very mature for my age so I guess my advice would be to dress the part, act the part, look the part.
Here is my process:
Right on the phone, I weed people out with basic questions:
Why are you moving??
How soon are you looking to move??
What is your credit like??
Any criminal history??
How much do you make monthly??
How long have you’ve been with your current employer??
Any Evictions??
After all of those questions, I say to them this, It appears that you are not qualified because (insert reason here i.e. you don’t make enough money to pay the rent, I require 3 times and you only make 1 times the amount before taxes), however, You are welcome to fill out a application and we will screen and consider all applicants accordingly.
All the bad seeds typically drop out right there. None of the questions I asked are discriminatory and are fair questions to ask.
Just be patient and wait for the right one to come along. If it goes months without renting then you have to question your product and your monthly price.