The past month I’ve been recently having an issue with prostitutes bringing clients onto my property in the clients’ cars and doing their business. My property is in city heights and has an alley in the back where I have garages and a concrete pad in front of the garage doors. It’s been happening during broad daylight, sometimes a couple times a week or even multiple times a day. We have lights back there and have already filed police reports identifying the cars. We haven’t been able to get the police to show up because it hasn’t been immediate threat although when asked to move, they told my tenant “mind your own business and you’ll live longer”.
What are my best options here? I am going to install cameras to keep records. I’m going to upgrade the gates to secure my property from the alley. In the meantime we’ll put cones on the concrete but I have a feeling that’ll have minimal impact. The alley and the concrete pad are both narrow (you have to parallel park on the pad). We could put a gate in front of the garage but it would likely be on or over the property line and would make getting out of the garages really inconvenient. My tenants also like to park in those spots. An intermediate option is to have posts with chains that might deter them from parking there. I just want my tenants to feel safe on the property. Thanks in advance!