It’s a headache but doable. Get about $1000 per home from the seller or at least budget that to be safe.
If you can get a hold of the person who is actually on title then you can get a duplicate title and then sign it over to you. This is what you hope for.
If you can’t find the owner on title then you will need to likely go through the abandonment process which is different in each state but a slower more costly route.
If all the homes have VINs then it will help a lot. If the VINs are missing then it is usually a combo of inspections and court processes to get a new VIN for the home so you can then go through the titling process.
Titles are the biggest headache that nobody talks about In the MHP industry and if ignored or not managed well become a bigger headache later in ownership.
Use an attorney that does them in your state for the abandons and more complicated transactions and you can probably manage the low volume of duplicates/transfers yourself.
Hope this helps. My profile has a lot of resources for MHP investors as well.