Tim, I'm being just as specific as you are!
Certainly, Stephen.
I'll tell you about my first trailer park. I searched for a long time before I bought anything, close to 7 or 8 months. I didn't want to jump the gun and purchase the fist deal that came across my desk.
I found the deal using standard marketing techniques, (mailing to owners using tax record data, the only difference being I don't send yellow letters- I think that is overdone by investors and therefore can be a turnoff to more experienced sellers. A plain white piece of paper will do.)
I was contacted by the owner of a 45 space trailer park. He told me that he hadn't really thought about selling before he got my letter, but he realized it was time. The gentleman was in his late 60s, and for the past several years had been having trouble with his tenants. There were drug problems, prostitution, and the likes in the park. Because the owner was absentee and the manager was probably partaking in the bad behavior himself, the park was becoming more of a hassle to him than an asset.
He told me that he needed income from the park to continue living the lifestyle he was accustomed to, so he said he would only sell if I would allow him to finance the deal. That was fine by me!
We agreed to $250,000 with $25,000 down and 10% interest for 10 years. Payments are right under $3,000.
Each space brings in between $300 and $350 a piece, and we have all but four spaces occupied at the moment. When I picked the park up, less than half of the spaces were occupied (although most of the spaces already had mobile homes in place- we only had to bring a few in). The park now pulls in over $13,500 per month.
The owner agreed to pay property taxes (the park remains in his name for tax benefits), and I pay insurance and all other park related expenses.
It was a lot of work but worth it.