Thanks for all the responses guys.
I chose these 3 areas after considering many. I work in Burbank so I need something close by (living in Manhattan Beach is killing me). I chose these areas to concentrate on as they seem to have the best price to neighborhood ratio . If I'm overlooking any area, please don't hesitate with recommendations. I thought of including Altadena along with my Pasadena search but I really don't know much about the area. Anyone?
The schools are a big concern, with the areas of Pasadena we would probably be looking at. The only thing that would negate that problem would be the thought of us moving elsewhere before it becomes an issue for our kids, which we're hoping to accomplish. The plan would be to rent it out long term, if our financial situation could handle it, or sell it for what would hopefully be a small gain in the next 5 years. I'm not all that comfortable banking on this idea as I would hate to end up dealing with paying for private schools should we want to stay or be forced to.
Our budget looks like it will be stretched pretty thin if we go with Pasadena or Burbank which leads me to another question. In your experience how well do the 2b/1b single family homes sell in LA county. I have always heard that 2 bedrooms are hard to move and that 3b's are pretty much bulletproof when it comes to demand. That might not be an option in those areas with our budget. I see so many come and go, I wonder if this really holds true at all in L.A.?
Thank you all again. All of this advice is truly appreciated.