Pamela Mallory Sorry to say, your post is nothing interesting at any point, ar least in my opinion. I paid my masters and bachelors education out of pocket, and I too am not using it as I have my own business. However, in times when times and life hits me, it is a good resume to get a higher paying desk job than flipping burgers, nobody can remove it from me, not anyone, nor anything! What can you do with an Elite certificate from the gurus, can you attach it in a resume and call it an accredited education? I mean, really? The education you got for 40k ehh, ok maybe 100k, would be a fortune to others, you can’t take a 100k debt while earning 50k a year and then expect to get an approval from the banks without grinding the pavement and getting an amazing deal! Ok, question just to feed my curiosity, how long did it take you pay off and ar least double your initial educational investment? i.e. if you paid them 100k, and paid $30/hr for all uour time spent, say 1,000 hrs searching for deals and grinding, how long did it take you to NET 260k?