Thanks for the responses guys. James, yes, I understand all about our fractional reserve banking system. I have a b.s. and m.b.a. in finance along with a CFA designation. Considering that some banks have been able to build up their reserves (LLRs) over the last year+, I would think that these foreclosures would be working their way through the system a little faster now. Maybe all the robosigning scandals has slowed it down recently, who knows?
Speaking of banks, I read a story recently where they were thinking of chargine 15bps for deposits to cover their FDIC insurance. What a ridiculous concept. I think we should just get rid of FDIC insurance so the banks wouldn't have an incentive to make so many stupid loans. If my bank does that, my money is going to get pulled from it mighty fast.
I long for the days of true MTM for banks and no silliness like FASB 157 (responsible for 29 cents of JPM profit this last quarter).