Originally posted by J. Lamar Ferren:
Oh trust and believe that I can handle the heat.
Like I said, if you disagree with me, then it's fine. It's not my problem, it's yours.
But just because I won't give you exactly what you want in order to "convince" you that what I'm saying is fact does not mean that you can conclude that I'm a shill or a scammer.
That's BS and is more slander than criticism. That is something I don't have to tolerate and will not..
Unless, I'm forced to leave this forum...meaning if my account is cancelled, then I'm here to stay. Sorry James, but I have thick skin and I know who I am and what I'm about. As I said, I live life on my terms...not anyone else's. Maybe you scared away others who have actually come here to promote and were unable to defend themselves, but I'm not that guy.
Also, as I have said SEVERAL times, I did not come here to promote this program. Nor did I say... go to my site and sign up today. Please ensure to read what I say and not just go off of how you feel.
This conversation can go back and forth all day, but I don't have the time and I'm sure you don't either. The fact is that I can easily post a deal on this forum and it will be heavily disputed. My intent is not to convince you or to prove anything to you. It's simply to educate others on the truth.
You're speaking from the outside and I'm speaking from the inside, so it only makes sense that we'd have two different view points.
The only people that will regret joining this program are the people that join this program and do nothing.
My testimonial is proof enough, as well as other testimonials that are shown on the site.
But then whose to say that there aren't people who will dispute testimonials too. I used to do that until I got over myself and became one...several times and because I know who I am and what I'm about...that is all that matters.
So to answer your question... the first thing I would say to you is...
Tell me more about this program and the and its capabilities to do what it says. Can you really do deals with this program? How does the funding work. And whatever else that will help me...(notice I said me) make a decision.
The main questions I'd ask would be about the quality of the program.
Would I hammer them to send me photo copied checks, addresses of properties, and bank statements....NOPE!
Because they're success does not dictate my success.
I'll be real with you James. There are alot of people on my team. Some who are making it happen and some who are not. This is both on the real estate side of the business and the marketing side.
There are some people on my team out there who convince others with proof of their deals and post their deals publicly, yet even after showing the proof , people are still skeptical and don't even join their team...Would you say those people are naive or just wrapped up over the "to good to be true" saying.
Like I said, there are people who are on my team doing nothing...I try my best to help them and tell them to stay accountable and attend the weekly calls, training, and to ask questions...yet they choose to be inconsistent with that.
Then there are others that are closing deals left in right and generating some nice profits. Some who are doing way more deals then I've done and are just making it happen.
That's just the way it is...
This is a clear point that my success does not dictate their success and vice versa.
I'm not sure if you've ever experienced calling up a motivated seller ,and them hanging up the phone in your ear as soon as you mention that you're an investor, but I have experienced that. They didn't even here what I had to say or had to offer. They just heard investor and weren't interested.
Simply because of the misinformation out there about investors.
A seller can ask me proof about deals that I have done...Do you really think I'm going to be powering up the copy machine, sifting through bank statements and checks...just to get them to do a deal with me...Not happening. They need me...I don't need them.
People come into this program with mixed experiences, mixed commitment levels, and mixed attitudes. It has nothing to do with the capability of the program. Only the capablity of those individuals. This is true for any business.
I think you're missing the overall goal of this program... It's to get your deals funded, your deals closed, and tell others how to do the same. Just because they decided to add a stream of income and because they decided to make people invest in themselves to get involved, does not mean that it's a scam or that it is out to hurt people.
Quite frankly, I rest my case on this matter.
I enjoy a little debate and going back and forth on subject matters, but James I'm asking you to give me enough respect not do call me out of my character simply because I won't show you hard Proof that I've been successful. That really isn't fair to me. I didn't call you out your name, so I'd appreciate if you didn't call me out mine.
If I go around proving to any and everyone about my success with real estate, then I wouldn't have time for anything else. There are billions of people online everyday. Do you really think I'm going to spend my time trying to convince and prove to as many as I can....Not happening.
Again, if you don't want to take me up on my initial offer of proof, then there is nothing for us to talk about . Think what you want to think.
-J. Lamar Ferren
Proud BP Member :-)
"Mr-Investor" and Jeffery you 2 are so out of line and very unfair to J.Lamar. He like all of us were asked the same questions:
What are all of your thoughts on it? Anyone used their services? Do you think this is a viable technique?
He gave his informed and involved opinion of the program,
you both took the path of least resistance and gave your un-informed opinion of the program and him, by calling him a shill and attacking his character and his integrity.
You asked him to prove the program works and that he did deals with the program.
Why don"t you disprove the program with solid proof and evidence?
It seems by your comments that you two "call people out"
on programs that they might be involved in and that they are a "shill", why don"t you 2 put your money where your mouth is.
You 2 are being called out by J"s suggestion:
( Better yet... after re reading my post, maybe I'm not being... too fair.
So here's how I'll prove it... Find me a deal based on the criteria of the program (I'll provide you with the essential details) and watch me close the deal. I'll even compensate you with a finder's fee when and if I close on the deal. What you do with your finder's fee is completely up to you. I won't hold it and pay your way into the program. lol It's yours to do whatever.
I think that's a win-win for all involved...Don't you?
Otherwise...I stand by my initial statement of...I have nothing else to prove to anyone.
-J. Lamar Ferren )
Are you up to the challenge?
When you attack someones character and integrity,
be prepared to back up all the accusations. :mrgreen: