Whenever you speak with a lender, you want to establish a relationship. In your first meeting bring everything you think they may ask for, the documentation will vary with each lender and each type of loan. Good organization will help improve your chances for approval. Lines of Credit are tricky, if your business is fairly new and has limited assets, you will definitely need your personal information in addition to business.
The amount you get approved for will vary depending on your business plan and needs, but what the lender wants is assurance he will get paid back; either by your business or your personal income (W-2). An approval will be based on facts, not speculation: have an appraisal or multiple broker opinions based on recent sales not listing for your ARV, have estimates from credible contractors for repair costs, and a complete break down of where any money will be spent.
A good credit score will be required.
Every lender is different, ask lots of questions. If you're denied, ask why and how to improve your application. If approved ask how to increase your limit as you grow. Be careful of over leveraging yourself and have multiple exit plans.
Good luck on your adventure.