Hey Norb, This is a great question. I would certainly say a property manager will help if you plan on staying on the west coast. Managing your first rental yourself can be a daunting task but can also be very educational.
Some pros of doing yourself:
You will get to know the ins and outs of the process thereby being able to understand what truly goes into managing the property. This will help you when it comes time to hire a manager because you will have an understanding of how long things take, expectations, etc.
Cheaper: obviously you will save $ by doing it yourself
Pros to using a property manager:
You need to know all the local laws, rules and regs and be able to follow them. A good property management company can help ensure you are compliant.
Time...this is the obvious one. You can spend your time looking for more property and setting up systems.
Policies are easier to institute and follow....you and your property manager can institute policies that are to be followed by everyone. It's important to treat everyone the same. It's all too easy to slack on the policies for a tenant you really like. That could however land you in hot water with other tenants in fair housing issues. By having a property manager be the one who is tenant facing they get to be the bad guy who has to follow the owners policies.
Ultimately it is your choice. Should you decide to manage yourself you should still build a team of contractors, agents, etc who can help should you need it.