With no intentions of getting into any sort of conflict or heated discussion.. there is a lot of misinformation being tossed around in this thread and some of it involves coaching people on how to commit fraud. I am all for creative real estate investing, but in my humble opinion some of the advice here is crossing the line.
Even though the assignment of beneficial interest is a private matter that is not recorded in public record, representing one thing to a bank while having the intention of actually doing another is misrepresentation at best.
Also, the application of St. Germain to these types of investments is one that falls within a very narrow window that should not be represented in such broad terms.
I agree with everyone here that Mark Warda's book on Land Trust is the best. It's the one I read years ago when I wanted to start learning about them, but it is only a basic overview. The application being discussed here is more advanced.
Please do your own research before following anyone blindly and if possible confirm with your attorney before pursuing a particular investment strategy.