For those of you who say the eviction moratorium doesn’t/hasn’t affected you. I’m here to tell you it does. If you own rental property, but “haven’t had any issues”, 12% of mom and pop housing providers- your colleagues- have been forced out of the business due to the moratorium. Laws around the country are preventing housing providers from running background checks, criminal history, credit history, eviction history. You haven’t had any issues YET. If you own your home, or wish to in the future- the government has set the precedent that it can tell you what you can and cannot do with your property. The Biden administration has also stated they wish to eliminate single family zoning altogether. You may lose that right, or opportunity. This affects you. If you have gone into a contract with someone- where you agree to do something in exchange for something else- the government has now said they will not honor that contract. This affects you. As a housing provider and real estate professional, I have personally had very minimal issues or losses myself. But I will fight this- because it’s tyranny and blatant government overreach. The beauty and success of this great United States of America has relied upon having rights- The right to own property, the right to make decisions about our bodies and beings. This country provides opportunity to any individual- from any race, gender, or background. In particular, the housing industry has created an incredibly diverse group of entrepreneurs and success stories, that can be shared with future generations. These fundamental rights are slowly being chipped away and I challenge those of you who say “you are not affected” to stand up and fight with us. Make a donation. Share with a friend. Volunteer your time. DO something. Your livelihood is next.