I am not relying on the seller to do the leg work. I had an inspection done and consulted a contractor to get an estimate for the repair costs. I provided the seller with photos and descriptions of the problems the inspection revealed. I padded the repair costs a little because some of the repairs have water damage that won't truly be revealed until we start ripping sheet rock out, but I was not unreasonable.
He can get his own estimate but the truth is our motivation is different. He will want to band aid whatever he can to pass the problems on to someone else. I want to fix the problems the right way up front and not have to worry constantly having issues, so my costs will be higher than his. So I am not lying or deceiving him. Like I said, I provided proof of the repairs that need to be done.
As far as the agent, he is the reason I have the deal in the first place. He reached out to my father in law asking if he knew anyone that wanted to buy an off market property. I realize the conflict but I think it would be a jerk thing to do to cut his small commission in half.