Maybe I am using the term "manager" wrong Robert. My wife and I deal with all of the issues via phone, text, and email, getting it rented, and anything else that arises. All he does is show the property, collect rent, and repairs. Our tenants aren't exactly credit worthy so our rent is 100% cash, and that is not something I want to entrust to a management company. He's also very good with people and had developed a good rapport with our tenants. The properties require a lot of attention and not something I would really want to trust to a company where I am just another client. My father-in-law does a tremendous amount work around the properties and goes above and beyond what I would expect from any management company. We don't have him do it to save money. In fact, when we get established a little better I told my wife I want to pay him more because he does such a good job.
Will, I like that idea. I will look into that option. For this particular instance that I brought up the question for, it won't be an option because it has to do with state paperwork for the housing authority.