Originally posted by @Account Closed:
I’m asking this in all serious good faith—why do so many of you people do this? You buy something where someone has lived for years and then pull the floor out from under them and tell them they have to move in the middle of a pandemic.
And secondly when you turn housing stock into short term rentals you have just created an artificial scarcity in the market for that area. And you’re basically running an unlicensed and unregulated hotel.
why wouldn’t you just let the person keep living there and rent the rest of the units as short term? The person could even help look after the place when someone does stay. Why is the answer always to throw someone out.
and now of all the times to do it. During a pandemic when landlords are bragging and cheerfully planning ways to make it harder and more expensive for people to Rent?
is there no other way to satisfy your craving for money?
short term rentals displace people, remove good housing from the market and shut out anyone who could have lived there or bought the property themselves and they exacerbate gentrification and contribute to ruining neighborhoods because all the residents who may have had a sense of community are replaced by out of towners who don’t care or even bother usually to preserve any semblance of community because they have no ties to it.
again I am genuinely curious as to the thought process that goes into this. I want to understand why you all do what you do and I’m willing to be persuaded but honestly it just seems incredibly exploitative, immoral, and greedy. Do you ever stop to think about the lives and communities you destroy?
Because my job is to provide for my family.
I have not personally done this but would have no problems doing so.
as for hurting the community? My airbnbs help my community. I promote many local businesses and actually was just speaking to some of my guests who are going to be spending money tomorrow at our local soap company. If anything my airbnbs strengthen my community as my average stay is 2.3 days and no one cooks they all eat at local joints.
I'm a bit curious though- if the tenant is paying significantly below market rent is it also immoral to raise the rate?
at the end of the day signing a lease is good for that period of time. If at the end of that I want to turn my property into an airbnb that's my business. I put MY money down.
if you are so concerned please go build some low income apartments to help people during these hard times.