@Faisal Sabastawi
Get a job now that gives you a t4 and hold it for at least 2 years. Even if it’s part time currently, it’ll help you qualify when the time comes. And be aware, if you graduated Uni and right away quit that job to start your “career” job,.. that’ll work against you for qualifying as lenders will prefer to see 2+ years at current employment. So even if you keep the part time job (work casual hits)and add on your career job you’ll be better off.
Focus on learning for the next 24 -48 months, and make sure when the day comes that you are ready to buy you’ll have no problem qualifying.
Read Don Campbell Real estate Investing In Canada 2.0 and 97 Tips for Canadian real Estate Investors. Follow that with his book on the Canadian real estate cycle.
And don’t pay anyone any money to teach you anything (I’m talking $0.00) until you have completed the above. Anyone who says they can show you exactly what to do without investigating your individual situation is quite likely making far more money off fleecing new folks than their own real estate investment.
There are an infinite number of ways to be successful in real estate, but no two paths are the same. Learn learn learn and plot your own course. Develop your end game goals, thoroughly.