Man I'm sure it exists somewhere. I just don't deal with it around here.
I feel like I'm selling something here but I would just reiterate if you can find a good agent, that has multiple companies, they can fill both roles for you.
Here's how I work when I talk to an insured. I have a checklist of everything I need to get in order to quote whatever type of business they're looking for. Then we dive in deeper to see if there's any issues out of the norm that we need to address or find a solution for. I gets quotes from every company that might be interested. We talk about the quotes the differences in coverage, in cost etc. We look ahead and make sure it's going to be a fit for the foreseeable future and then we move forward. I'm not worried about different commission structures or anything like that on my end. I'm wanting the customer to be taken care of and ultimately keep them here and happy for as long as possible. This process make take a few hours or a few weeks.
That's oversimplified but you get the idea. I'd like to think you could find someone local to you that could do the same thing.