@Jason Hodges
A loan to a business for the purpose of acquiring RE can be referred to as a commercial real estate loan. Having multiple members in an LLC is not uncommon.
To take a step back a bit, there are different types of institutions that specialize in different types of lending. Perhaps that bank does not offer your specific type of loan. There are also varying degrees of experience and acumen among individual lenders within the same institution. Perhaps the lender you met is new and doesn't realize that their bank does offer your type of loan. This is why it is often advantageous to keep searching (even if it's to try another branch or lender within the same bank you were at). I imagine that @Jon Holdman had similar reasons for recommending the same. Don't be discouraged by being turned down by any one lender.
Remember, it is their job to lend money. Approach them, respectfully, knowing you have an opportunity to share. You get your loan, they make progress in their lending goals. Win-win.
When you find a lender who takes the time to listen to you, explains and provides you a plan with options, and then executes the plan you decide upon, keep them.
@Warren Buffett (can I do that?) says he looks for three things when hiring an employee: Someone who is ethical, smart, and energetic. Those can be considered qualities of a good lender as well.
Best of luck and let us know how it goes!