I went through this years ago and here is what I found. Homeowners are completely stressed and pissed. Whether at themselves or the financial institution. The last thing they want is someone knocking on their door offering to buy their property. This is an embarrassing time for them. Secondly, most of the homes I went to, the home owners were already moved out and no where in sight. They normally don't wait around for the sheriff to the kick them out, but that isn't all cases. My good fortune has always been with a home owner who has already moved. I don't know, but I would think the logic behind it is, they are detached from the property emotionally, and therefore willing to talk. I actually had a home owner say, I was the only person who found him after he moved. That impressed him! Since then, I've solely focused on homeowners who have already moved out. Still hard to locate them, but once I do, my closing ratio is 100%, maybe because there is no competition, no one else searching for them. I have yet to close a property with an owner living in it. I actually built a mini-call center to call homeowners, they don't answer and when they do, once you even mention the word "house or home", they hang up. I've drove to OMG, I can't count how many houses. No closes from that either. The magic is getting the home owner to talk to you. I don't waste money on door knocking or mailers. The only thing that have worked for me, something else may work for others, but mine has been contacting the homeowners after they've left the property through text message. If they think you are the bank or associated in anyway with them, you lose, immediately.