@William Hinsche Are you the buyer or seller reading the report? The inspection report calls out the conditions of the property will let the reader know when a contractor should look deeper. If for example the report suggests a roofer take a deeper look, schedule a roofing contractor for a deeper evaluation and a budgetary quote for its replacement, before you decide to continue with the purchase. Same for electrical panel or weird wiring, HVAC, low water pressure (plumber) or foundation issues. The purpose is to find out the costs of owning the property. As a seller, one hopes that the buyer doesn't make a fuss about the condition of the property. The seller has the option of making the repairs before closing, to avoid higher priced replacement bids.
As the new owner, a handy man might be hired for the minor repairs and the pricey work postponed, if the budget is tight. A handyman can chase a roof leak for a few seasons but it will eventually need to be replaced. A contractor would be used for the more skilled jobs. Contractors have better tools and know how to use them, have a better relationship with the city inspectors, if permits are required and has suppliers for well priced materials. They have reputations to live up to. More skills are needed to replace a furnace, roof, electrical panel work, water supply lines, shower bodies, tile work and floor refinishing.