Quote from @Mike Klarman:
So, a million bucks.
This is Real Estate forum so I'm guessing you are looking for RE options.
If this million was for pure investment then I'd:
Look in the smaller markets from Western PA through Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, etc. In those markets you can get multi's for 100k or less and put like 50k into them. So a project would cost 150k without financing. I do 6 of those for 900k. That will provide me with 15 - 20 doors that are mortgage free. If you average 1,000/door that will be 15k - 20k per month coming in and you still enjoy the appreciation of the buildings. If you get around 25% appreciation over prject costs then your 900k is now worth 1.125 million and you are making 200k/yr in cashflow. So in 5 years you are flush again with the Million. Probably some where in year 4 you'll reach your breakeven. Now you have 1.2 - 1.5 million in free equity to refi as well if you ever need to but you shouldn't cause the cashflow should be more than enough to stay liquid and just keep going.
Thanks for your advice and I voted for it. You make a good case except for a few things. I am new to REI and hence would be very nervous to invest out of state. I prefer to have my first and maybe second property within state before I have the courage for out-of-state venture. If you can refute that please make your case again and I am all ears. Maybe other investors here on BP who made a straight dive out of state with their very first property (without family in that state to help, being the state you grew up, just sheer luck or other reasons that will skew the opinion/experience) can chip in. Also, how do I know where within those states you mentioned? I do see OH mentioned a lot in this forum tho.