Hey @Skyler Mckinney good to see you are still making it happen. I hadn't heard from you for a bit. I've got an email course that is short and to the point. It runs through much of what you are asking about. I generally use it in markets we are going into to train and vet people that we are looking to send leads too or just partner with on deals in certain areas.
It goes over a few crms including the one we use in our biz which runs several of my businesses and has a free version to start out. I've never heard anyone on any podcast mention in but I've used it for years and feel its the best. It goes over handling the leads setting up your team (whether its just you or a full blown team) and the marketing module is probably the most detailed going over direct mail, ppc, cold calling etc etc.
You can just go through the course if you want, no need to have the call at the end you already have my number. PM me and ill send you a link or text me whatever works best.