This is a difficult one!
I previously worked selling REO/Short sales for another company and we once thought the value was 500k in disrepair, after looking inside we found it to be worth about 250k. Jersey has a particularly heinous foreclosure timeline, so she probably hasn't been paying for at least 5 years - which means a lot of deferred maintenance and damage. My point in saying that, is a lender may not be comfortable stretched to 80% of acquisition without any interior knowledge and this market in particular.
Your best bet is a local lender who won't require an appraisal. At least reach out to your HML and ask if there is any work-around.
Further, find out if the owner knows a realtor that they trust. Maybe you can get a BPO out of it, or at least interior photos. I have no idea why this works, but I have used it successfully before.
You can also try offering her security deposit and first month rent or something for a new place. It may be better than eviction. If she has an eviction on her record - she will find it basically impossible to rent. Logic may be impossible to use with someone who believes they don't have to pay for their house, so maybe try an emotion based argument.
Best of luck!