Originally posted by Chris Trook:
It depends on how much money you have budgeted for marketing. If you only have $2,500 and you use it all on a marketing campaign in December with no results then you will be out of money. If you have more then that to work with then you may want to give it a go just to get the wheels turning. I would recommend marketing materials that are either free, cheap or semi-permanent during the winter. Direct mail is expensive and you only get one crack at it. Bandit signs mounted on poles will likely stick around a bit longer. Craigslist ads are free and so are phone calls.
Great Advice!!! Bandit signs in the right spots can last for MONTHS at a time. Its like Chris said, direct mail is expensive, and for $1.50 you only get ONE SHOT!! So they better be some good leads. Where as with bandit signs,((which are around the same price $1.50)) if its in the right spot, it will stay up AT LEAST over the weekend.....i'll take my chances with 500 drivers per day seeing my sign, for 4 days= 2000 views per week= 8,000 views per month........eventually with consistency, you'll get a deal. I'm soo green/newbie.......but I have an eye for good advice, Thanks Chris :cool: