@Danny N. obviously, I have no dog in the fight. Neither does any one else that has taken the time to offer you advice or possible suggestions. But they have still given their time. Reading through this thread it appears that someone offers advice then you reply back to refute it. Then raw numbers are given which are either disregarded or refuted.
I would suggest you try to re-read this thread without the goal of defending Houston or the reason(s) you have justified your price. Pay attention to the responses that have gotten the most votes.
It really feels like you are taking each suggestion in a vacuum. You refute it, then dust off your hands feeling like you've done a great job convincing the other person that they just don't know the Houston market like you do. Look holistically at the responses. There are some wise and experienced people that have offered you their advice freely.
After all the wise people have offered advice, you'll have to make do with me. Here is my advice regarding your property. The numbers cannot lie. Average DOM for your comps (price range) will almost always tell you when you will sell your condo. If you don't have enough data to come up with a good avg. DOM then your property is an outlier and will take longer to sell (will need to be priced more aggressively). If you have already exceeded the avg. DOM, then you are priced too high for what you are offering. If you aren't getting showings, that is the market telling you that you are priced too high for what you are offering.
Check in with your agent and ask her what she is doing to market the property. Ask her what she thinks might be causing any delay with the sale. Doing so might reinvigorate her. Inquire about the avg. DOM for your comps. Ask her what she thinks the property should be listed for.
At the end of the day, you need to use all the information you have at hand to decide if you want to be the proud owner of a condo that only you think is worth 3.7M, or if you want to sell your property for what someone is willing to pay for it.