Partying and fights with absent, bad landlords cause a large problem with locals along with cars blocking their driveways and in their yard. VRD's can be permitted but there is only one permit per person. If anyone is interested in this area I would suggest that you go to the city's web site as the rules are there.
They are working on new rules but I don't know when they well come to vote. Right now if you buy in the VRD area you can rent year round but in some area's you can only rent out for 90 days a year.
Being a small town the local paper The NewsGuard tracks what is going on with the VRD's and you can get an online subscription for about $30 a year.
If you are looking for property buy to rent, the market is tight. Monthly rental are hard to find and BTW our rents are slightly under Portland area's market so the numbers can work.
I have been looking since Nov. for a duplex or house to convert and am still looking. There are a lot of manufactured homes here and remember the tsunami zone for insurance.