I suggest you go to community college first if financing is your issue. If not jump right into a four year college. You can even use federal loans to put down on an FHA loan for a multi-family property. College is a great place to network with people of all areas of life. Including people with many investors or lendors in their networks.
I have not yet bought my first property but did 4 years of college where I met many great people and had experiences you cannot put a price on. Some of those people I have spoken with about investments and plan on making a move with them once I get back to America ( I am in my third year of my four year obligation in The Navy.)
As far as what you should major in I would recommend you just pick something you can stand for four years. If you still dont have a direction finance or marketing would be ideal. I am finishing my degree in communications and working on getting my realtors license.
Good luck to you.