The most seductive thing to do first is get the LLC, branding, URL, bank account, and other infrastructure. It's only natural to think that a business must be officially a company before you can start doing business. Over the years, I realized that this comes after much more ground work.
Great businesses are built on remarkable relationships.
First, get to know people in the industry. Build relationships that will deliver mutual value.
Next, learn about problems that you can solve.
Then, build products that solve that problem.
In real estate investing, your deal making expertise is the product. You serve investors, lenders, tenants, and the community by creating real estate that provides financial return, safety, comfort, and connection.
This may seem a little "woo-woo," but your mission and vision will drive all the other technical aspects of your business. The infrastructure will come together (and be paid for) by connecting with people and filling an unmet or underserved demand.
Find the mission-driven team by connecting with brokers, owners, and influential third-parties.
If you have that piece covered, and you're only interested in the technical side... get a good attorney and accountant. They will guide you through the technical pieces.