@Bruce Knauff
Right now you're in a pretty good position because you have ~458.00 in CF left over but you haven't mentioned how much of that is set aside for repairs/cap-ex/vacancy. Based on your numbers it should probably be ~182.50/month set aside for those items. So you're left with 275.50 in net CF. If you cash out @ 75% LTV (assuming it's worth 70,000) then you're looking at losing another 127.00 per month for the higher mortgage. I think that's too low of CF. I would keep it like it is or sell if you need the cash more than the income.
If you can sell for 70,000 then after paying realtor fees, prorated taxes for the year, closing and home warranty you should be left with ~65,000 (you should already have a valid survey). That would leave you with 29,000 cash to seller at closing, leaving you with 20,000 after paying yourself back the initial down payment. That's 5 years of cashflow after taking into consideration long term capital gains:
If you finish out the lease, you'll be past the year and 1 day for a long term capital gain.
If these number hold true then you're looking at nearly 3x'ing your money in a year and a half. That's not even including the 3306.00 you'll make over the year in rents, and the repair/cap-ex and vacancy funds you'll get to take back if you don't have any big unexpected issues until the sell.
Just my .02