For all of you STR owners out there, does anyone share my concern that AirBNB's policies are increasingly becoming too problematic?
My STRs are marketed toward the middle class, as opposed to really high end. I want affordable options for all. But within that price point are a segment of guest that think re-negotiating the rate after the stay is an acceptable practice. I'm concerned about many trends I have seen with AirBNB's practices and policies.
I'm concerned about having a business that is dependent on any platform. But while I try to build an independent business, will using AirBNB be feasible. Although I know others have concerns (there is a strike to pause listings on AirBNB in protest happening on May 18, 2022), I'm not certain if I am overreacting.
It is my feeling that within the STR arena, there are diehard AirBNB loyalists that will act against their own best interest in their devotion to AirBNB. I tend to agree with the more pragmatic owners, that are more business minded, than culture acolytes.
I think I am in need of perspective.
Julia Ferris