Hello everybody….My name is John Rubino and I am the Founder and Co-Managing Director of JID Investments. JID Investments is a Private Funding Business providing capital to Real Estate Businesses & Professionals interested in attaining funding outside traditional means. JID is only interested in working with businesses and investors who desire a long-term funding partner and a win-win result for both parties on every deal.
Our business has two primary strategies:
Investment: We seek to secure high yield returns with medium risk by providing private (investor) capital to businesses with viable real estate opportunities.
We will fund up to 100% financing for acquisition and construction/rehabbing cost (if the project meets JIDI terms/parameters) and won't require payment, including fees, until project closing. Projects approved for funding must meet certain requirements, ratios, etc. Each potential business partner requesting capital for their projects must satisfy our established Due Diligence Checklist of necessary items for all projects.
Our services include: 1) Fully Funded Projects; 2) Joint Ventures, and 3) Equity Partnerships.
Standard Collateral (pending the type of project) includes: 1) Personal Guarantees; 2) 1st Position on the Lien; 3) Additional Fee (partial or full month over the term). Additional collateral and fees vary by deal.
Minimum JIDI fee per project is $18,000.
Maximum funding amount JIDI will fund is investment plus Basic Fee up to 80% of ARV (After Rehab Value). Example, for a project with a $300,000 ARV, we would be willing to fund $200,000. 80% of ARV would be $240,000. This would equate to $200,000 funding plus the $40,000 (20%) fee.
We have funded five projects, for a total of $1,300,000, in the past six months and anticipate funding approximately 4-6 projects over the next 2-3 months.
We also have two projects on the market right now. One is under contract and closes 15 May.
We just funded two amazing opportunities in Washington, DC (Adams Morgan NW and Columbia Heights). These two projects will take a little longer than we normally target but we will receive a projected return of 17-20% annualized for our investors.
If you are interested in learning more about our investment opportunities and what our company could possibly provide your business please visit our website at .
We are currently working markets on the East Coast only.
Thanks for your time.