When shopping Syndications/Funds to invest into it starts with the goals you have. What do you want your investment dollars to do for you. Where could you place them to shield and amplify your wealth while also sleeping soundly at night. Good questions to ask yourself are:
What is the track record of the syndicator?
Research the syndicator's experience and past performance in managing similar real estate projects.
What is the investment structure?
Review the legal documents associated with the syndication to understand the terms of the investment, including the fees, distribution structure, and splits.
What is the exit strategy?
Understand the plan for exiting the investment, including the potential timeline and potential returns.
What are the risks involved?
Evaluate the potential risks associated with the project, including market conditions, operational risks, and financial risks.
How is the project being managed?
Assess the management plan for the project, including the experience of the management team, the scope of their responsibilities, and their performance expectations.
What return profile am I looking for? Understand the potential returns on investment, including both the ongoing income and potential appreciation of the property.
There are good and bad deals out there no matter what part of the market cycle you're in. If you find a proven sponsor, you believe in the deal itself and its a good fit in terms of the goals you have I wouldn't see the market cycle as a factor that would hold me back from investing if the plan was sound and all the other boxes checked. Better to buy real estate and wait than to wait and buy real estate ;)