If you go forward with this purchase will you keep them as one parcel or will you split them into their own parcel for each building?
I'm am just learning real estate and working towards my first deal, so I have no idea what kind or cost or headache it takes to split the parcel.
Based on Robert's comment, it would seem that the building may appraise higher on their own individual parcel than on the single group parcel.
- If I understand that correctly, then I wonder if the increase value offsets the cost paid out to split the parcels up.
One last thought would whether there are any underlying benefits to keeping it as one parcel, such as city regulations, etc.
- I had a conversation once in my owner's rep day job about new construction of a commercial building on its own parcel adjacent to another parcel owned by the same owner. The feedback was that combining the parcels allowed them to drop some city requirements regarding installing screening in front of the dumpsters, so it saved a small amount on construction cost.
Interesting topic, but understand if you are just focusing on the deal itself for now. :-)