I have no idea where you are (other than what Google will tell me).
In terms of finding investors. If you can attend auctions, watch who bids. They are generally cash buyers.
Search the members area here for people who are in your location. See if there is a meeting or investor club which they know about.
Use your limited cash to get to meetings, have live Zoom meetings (on camera) or similar. So you can build your network. It will take time. Until you do, you are not going to be able to complete a deal.
HML will generally not cover 100% of all the costs without other collateral. In other words, why should they take all the risk that you will walk away when you have nothing in the deal? So, you are going to need some cash. You might sell a few leads to other investors. You can make a bit of money and you can get to know who the more active buyers are.
If there is a Saturday meeting, it might be worth the drive given the 95 mile distance. Use MeetUp and other sources to find local meetings or interesting meetings at a distance. You can start a group locally if you want one locally. It will be a bit of work. Less work than the drive?
If you keep having problems, be careful. It could be you are focusing on problems and not on solutions. Half full, half empty. The alternative is your life remains exactly as it is. If that is not good enough for you, expect some sacrifices until you gain momentum. Others will help if you help yourself.