I was able to drive by today. Interestingly enough on the way there they mentioned on the radio that Dekalb Public Schools had been put on probation. Looks like they still have a lot of problems. Go figure.
The weather was pretty nasty so not much street activity. I did not go in. I was able to confirm my first impressions. The following are my thoughts:
I just don’t see how this could pencil out as a retail project. It would take a substantial amount of work to make it appeal to your limited target market. It just doesn’t have the “bones” and would require a major facelift. Of course your target market is even more limited because of the car repair shop next door and since the home is on the edge of the community. You can change the house but not the location. Even in 30030. I mean come on! A few blocks over new 2800 sq. ft. Mcmansions are selling for 1/2 million. Welcome to the ATL. It's really whacky here.
I’ve seen people get trapped over and over again where they are working off of rental repair estimates and expecting retail ARVs.
For rental I’m thinking you would be able to get around 900-1,000/month. Everybody has a different tolerance level of value based on rents so that is certainly subjective but 120k for $1000/mo doesn’t appeal to me in today's market. You can do much better in decent rental areas in the Atlanta area right now if you are looking to buy and hold.
I still feel your maximum retail value would be about 170k-180k (maybe even 160k due to the auto garage next door) but that is actually gross not net so you would still need to take out purchase price, renovation, realtor fees, and of course holding costs. I also believe it would take longer to sell than a similar product in the middle of the community so that would increase your costs even more. The only way I would do this deal is if I had some sort of insider information that something big was going to happen that would increase the value substantially no matter what.
Just my .02. Good luck and be safe!