It just boggles my mind that people who would make $59k a year and the price for a tiny shack in the ghetto there starts at $500k, wouldn’t have the common sense to move to a better more economical location.
It took a pandemic for a lot of folks to wise up to the dead end residency in urban America. You can choose Arizona, Wyoming, Arkansas or whatever but I can’t understand why people keep living in areas where the numbers just don’t allow a fair chance for them to get ahead! Get out of Dodge, make your millions, then move back if that’s what you want to do.
I believe we are headed for rough times because most people cant envision a move out of mom and dad’s basement to take advantage of what hard work in the greatest nation in the world affords them, but most of that opportunity is best taken advantage of in rural America.
I left California when I realized it’s not worth the 4 hour commute to get out of town (20 miles) on any 3 day weekend. The drive back in on Monday night was just as bad. I spend my life living, not driving in a car commuting 3 hours a day!