In the SFR lease agreement that I use, there is an entire section on the obligations and duties of the tenant which makes things very clear. The lease is long, but at lease there isn't any question as to who is responsible for what.
To summarize:
-Comply with HOA requirements
-Keep the premises clean
-Keep all plumbing fixtures in good repair
-Use everything as it is expected to be used and in a reasonable manner (plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc.) Here it is specifically stated, "Tenant agrees to be solely responsible for any maintenance or repair costing less than $100, regardless of fault or misuse. Any item of maintenance or repair exceeding this amount that is not caused by misuse, [etc.]... shall be performed by Landlord."
-Don't destroy the place
-Exercise good personal conduct and don't disturb the neighbors
-Keep my appliances in good working order
-Yard maintenance is your responsibility
-And of course... those air filter thingies? Change 'em, it's on you!
These are clauses are good for a SFR, but would have to be modified for any kind of multi-family...
Hope this helps.