@Mindy Jensen, I agree that labeling the electrical panel should be law! I do it in all my properties.
So you just cut out a bit of drywall and install another outlet? If you put in 2 outlets next to each other, PLUS you put in outlets every 4 feet instead of every 8 feet, that means you have 4 times the regular number of outlets in your rooms? Wow! Exotic! lol
Allowing for 2 rolls of toilet paper to be on a roll is probably a Godsend to the mother in the house. Hahaha!
My eyes are being opened to the idea of replacing an old water heater BEFORE it fails. I hadn't planned to do that previously, but you're not the only one who does. I was looking at on-demand water heaters and they aren't nearly as expensive as I thought. Do you have an opinion on them? They seem like a better option to me.
I really like that hallway LED nightlight outlet idea! I didn't know those existed. (I'm really learning about a LOT of new...to me...things!) I think I'd be okay with only 1 outlet in the hall because if there's no carpet, I don't know what they'd use it for anyway. But I'm also thinking it might work well in the bathroom, but I'd definitely need a second outlet in there so that a girl can blow dry her hair while her curling or flat iron is heating up. lol
Thanks for the ideas!