@David Lowe GC's definitely have different styles based on their background and their upbringing in this industry. But for the most part most of us don't like to be micro-managed and its for multiple reasons. A lot of GC's have been doing this a long time and generally know the right things to do so when a client tries to micromanage it's like saying "I don't trust you to do the job that I hired you for so I am going to hover." It's also because most of us in big market areas right now are crazy busy and have more than one client at a time and if there is one investor who is constantly calling they are taking time away from our other clients.
As far as knowing what you want and verbalizing it, from my experience the investors who don't have a solid plan for a house going in are the ones who lose time and money. Making lots of changes or being indecisive can be detrimental to both the budget and the schedule. The investors who set forth a solid plan and let their GC execute are the ones who get to market faster and on or under budget. The other thing is, and I don't want to speak for all GC's here but, I am not a designer, I am a builder, I facilitate getting things done, that is my role. The more you ask me to make your plans for you, the more frustrated I get. That being said there are plenty of design build firms out there that are capable of that but don't expect all GC's to be ready to design your project for you.
These are great questions you are asking and like @Account Closed said there are far too many people who think of GC's as expendable commodities and don't appreciate the amount of work that goes in to even the most modest of rehab projects, so the more you try and understand your business partners the better off you'll be.
Ok off the soap box now.