@Johnson Michael Thank you and Amen!
@Brian Mullins Funny, I grew up in West TN and lived in Cobb Co until about 2 weeks ago (relocated to Bartow County). Thank you for all the great advice - sounds like you and your wife set your target and stayed laser focused. That's our goal as well. I may reach out to you to pick your brain sometime!
@Chris Bunya My husband and I actually just moved to Taylorsville in Bartow County, so we're practically neighbors :) Glad to hear Medi-share is working out for your family. Yes, being in control of your time (to the extent any of us control anything) - priceless!
@Matthew Nicholson @Eric Carr @Eugene M. @Sean Shapoori Thank you so much!
@Kareena Sharma I know it's tough living in areas like CA where everything is super pricey. I think it's the Real Estate Guys that say “Live Where You Want, Invest Where It Makes Sense.” One option for you might be turnkey properties in cash flowing markets, just be cautious and make sure you choose a reputable operator and run your own #'s (don't just use theirs). It might at least get you over the hurdle of taking that first step, and while the returns are less than if you buy, rehab, refi (you'll be paying closer to retail) they're also much better than what you'll find where you are unless you're really able to hustle. I have 2 TK properties and they're ok - not stellar - but they've cash flowed decently.
@Derrick Williams Thanks, and I hope she succeeds in retiring you!
@Marco Padilla Thanks - once I decide to do something, I can't really rest until I've done it. I get a little bit obsessed :) And then there's the next thing, and the next.
@Marco Rodriguez Congrats on your new endeavor as a Commercial Realtor and best wishes to you for more and more clarity on your objectives as you learn and grow!