@Maggie H. we took possession on Feb 15 and listed May 10. Just about 3 months.
@Manuel Angeles It had it's ups and downs for sure. Honestly, the reno part wasn't bad. My wife and I did all of the work with the exception of two things. We paid a plumber to tie into the existing plumbing to add a 1/2 bath. Then we paid a contractor to put up some paneling in the basement. As for how it went after after we accepted an offer, it was a learning experience. First, I swapped the deed from my name to my LLC about a month after we closed. Well that caused some issues as the buyer was using an FHA loan. Which the regulations say that the house must be owned for 90 days before proceeding. That pushed our closing back an extra month. Then during the inspection the buyers requested some things done. We conceded and did those thing. Then the real kick in gut was the two FHA appraisals. The first one was fine, didn't request for anything to be done. The second appraisal required a list of items to be done, add hand rails to front and back steps (a common request), some other minor stuff but the kicker was he required me to remove some rotten wood from the shed in the back and paint the entire thing. Honestly i don't think i looked at the shed or went in it but one or two times. That bit was very frustrating as in his appraisal he didn't even give the shed any value what so ever. And it's not like the home inspection where you can negotiate, the loan provider requires the list of items to be done. At the end of the day it wasn't really all that bad, but at the time it was pretty frustrating. Now I know what to expect in the future.