I am new to the forums and attended the Summit today (Friday). Not sure if I am in the right place, or the right century for that mattter. I am not much for getting on the computer and posting, but that is apparently the prescribed way to verify that you are "real" nowadays. I am probably very close to one of the oldest attendees, a tad hard of hearing and I fondly remember the good old days when we used to exchange business cards and that was considered networking. Now business cards are a thing of the past, texting, blogging and online posting is where it's at. And writing on colorful recipe cards....
My experience and approach are different than anyone I met or listened to today. My history is in factory built homes (modular/manufactured/mobile) and I deal with a lot of brand new hosuing units that are designed to be delivered to the areas where there is a demand for housing at a very cost-effective pricing. (Honestly, I about fell over listening to the presention this morning about determining demand for your project using an example citing a median net worth of potential tenants somewhere in the neighborhood of $13,800.)
Just a couple of weeks ago I saw on the national news a story about the "Ikea House" that is in essence exactly what I have to offer but from the IKEA supplier more than double the normal price. People think it's awesome because it's apparently endorsed by IKEA, lol.
When I look at the mobile home forum I see people looking to buy in the $3000 to $6000 range and I truly cannot imagine what anyone is getting for that kind of "investment" or what realistic return is available for that type of property. I feel rather alone supplying housing that new and is ideally suited for vacation rentals, worker housing, student housing, etc.. and is easy to finance with lease/purchase options that work out quite advantageously for tax purposes.
Since I have spent the money to be here (and I am already here in the labyrinth of one-way streets) I will go ahead and attend again tomorrow, but I must say this isn't what I expected. So please, if you see me, come on over and say "hello" to the old geezer being led around by the blonde....
Thank you,