@Landon Jones I'm an investor and agent in Little Rock, with properties in midtown and Pennbrook (and SoMa soon, I hope). I suggest you look for a good first property and fit your strategy possibilities to it--learn by doing. M-f is high now, but building new is too. There are a number of empty lots in the city, but area is key. One barrier to buying existing structures is the higher down payment for m-f compared to buying your own home. If you need to raise the down payment, a flip might be a good way to make it, especially with your experience. If you see an MLS property you're interested in, let me know and I can represent you (which the seller pays for, as you know). Good condition duplexes to quads in good areas are getting offers, often more than one, within 24-48 hours, so speed is key. I'm happy to help you in any way, including just talking about possibilities and answering any questions I can. I'll message you my email and phone number. Good luck!