Originally posted by @Account Closed:
Originally posted by @Mindy Jensen:
Thanks @Lumi Ispas.
I have never received a gift from an agent, and many times I was going directly to the listing agent. But you are right, I didn't expect a gift. I just wasn't sure what the thing is in this market. My market is ultra super red hot right now. I just was wondering what sort of gifts were going around.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I know that my retail agents all give gifts to new homeowners. They leave gift baskets and HD gift cards. I've seen them in properties I'm selling right before closing. Which is so weird to me because in a residential retail transaction the seller is the paying customer, not the buyer. But the buyer is the new target customer for the agent.....for referrals and when they might want to list.
I would consider this to be a house warming gift which may explain why sellers aren't as likely to receive anything equivalent.
I received a beautiful Pendleton blanket from my agent. I thought that was a nice thank you for all the business I'd given her in the past year. (Then I got licensed so I guess I won't be getting anymore blankets...)
Someone mentioned receiving a check as a gift from an agent. In Oregon, this is considered commission sharing which is illegal, although I think this varies from state to state.
I would say gifts and thank you notes are a smart practice. They will leave your clients with a positive impression which is so key for referrals and future business.