it’s not being the old guy on the porch. It’s stating a fact. Kids today (I’m gen x) don’t want to work.I see them come in my shop all the time they do not and refuse to work overtime. I hear parents my age say kids today don’t want this or that. They want to travel. Kids today have it way’s not a next generation is lazy mentality.It’s stating the truth. Kids stay at home and be on mommy and daddy’s insurance till they 26. I had insurance for myself at 18. My generation not the next do not want to work.
No we haven’t always been lazy and freeloaders. You used to starve if you did not work even in this great country. Now if you don’t work you can be overweight with 150$ Jordan’s on. Young adults living at home as raised by 15% in last 12-15 years. That is a substantial amount. I know a job that pays 6 figures with no education and they can’t keep the young adults. This is a problem.
I agree the days of one working adult is about done. I raised a family of four on one income for 10 years it can be down but I worked OT to do it.
The challenge is not the same it’s way easier. As each generation has become more enlightened. Policy has changed politically in this country making it harder to get by. We might have agree to disagree on this topic. Best wishes