So my family and I are in a real tight spot right now, and we desperately need help in order to save our house.
We filed for bankruptcy back in June, and were discharged in September. Up until we filed for bankruptcy we were current on our mortgage payments. But once notice was given to our mortgage company they shut down my ability to pay in order to not mess any numbers up during the bankruptcy process. At that time we were still able to make our monthly payments. But by the time we were discharged, we were financially depleted, having resorted to desperate measures to pay our attorney for the bankruptcy. Also, by the time we were discharged and COULD start making our payments, we were 3 payments behind and according to our mortgage company's policy were not allowed to make online payments.
So starting at the end of September I started trying to submit a borrower assistance package to our mortgage company, I made three attempts to submit this, and each time they required information that I had already provided them with. The fourth time was finally successful, after having dealt with them for nearly 4 months, all the while our payments were racking up and our financial situation was severely strained. Almost a month later, they sent us a denial letter in the mail stating that our interest rate was too low to qualify for a Loan Modification and wouldnt end up lowering our payments, and also stating that a repayment plan was off the table because we didnt have enough surplus to make the higher payments. In order for us to qualify for a repayment plan and ultimately avoid foreclosure, we would need to pay half of our past due amount, roughly $3,300 out of our total past due amount of roughly $6,600.
In essence, we are behind on our payments by nearly $6,600, have no access to credit due to our bankruptcy and our mortgage company doesn't seem to want to work with us. We are looking into selling our house in order to try and tap into the equity we have in order to find a rental. However, after consulting with our realtor she told us that we would walk away with some cash (estimated at $15,000 out of nearly $43,000). My family and I really want to keep our house and are trying to explore options to do so. We are trying to find an investor who could possibly help us out, or hard money lender. We are good people who work hard for what we have and have made some mistakes, but losing our house would leave us completely destitute. We just really need a chance, and any help would be greatly appreciated beyond words.