Had my first encounter with a realtor tonight. Somewhat interesting to say the least. First hand learning experience. Realized no one will ever be as interested in making money with me as I am. I quickly realized that this was not the person that I will be starting my journey with. Not saying I will never do business with him, just won't start out with him. My thoughts, his idea of all real estate investors, they're all slum lords so that's what he thinks I should get into. Slimy business practices was the comment of choice throughout the conversation. I allowed him to do all of he talking until the end when I informed him that there are slimy business practices in every business, even real state agents can be. It's not the business it's the person who does not know how to be professional and conducts poor business practices. Thank you for your time and I hope to work with you one day.
Next stop REIA gathering Tuesday night. Looking forward to that, I hope I don't meet those slimy investors.???? I have a plan to have my first property locked down and rehabbing by Halloween at the latest. Wish me luck in the heartland.