@Caroline Gerardo, I would not move to Wyoming. It was 29 degrees below zero yesterday morning and was 22 degrees below zero this morning. It will be 10 days before we get above freezing for even a few hours. While this is not normal, it is not really unusual. We are also a hard red state. We have had a pretty hard influx of people moving in the last 3 years since Covid. Land prices have increased massively, but will probably seem cheap to you. You can still buy a massive, nice log cabin in the mountains for a million dollars with 20 to 40 acres to play on. You can get a pretty decent house for $200K in many areas.
I am a conservative Republican, and some folks here are so conservative I blush when I hear them. Our politics will probably change in time as more people move in. One percent of California here would cause us to be outnumbered. We have the highest percentage of guns per capita of any state. Very few homes have less than 5 or 6 guns and a few thousand rounds of ammunition. We rely heavily on oil, coal, gas, tourists and ranching.
We have 2 seasons, winter and road construction.
That being said it is a beautiful state with lots of wide open spaces. I have hunted afoot and horseback for days and only seen one or two other hunters. The sky at night in the mountains are so clear you see thousands of stars. You can still hear coyotes and even wolves howl at night. The average distance between towns is usually 30 minutes to an hour. Many towns have only one stoplight.
Anyway, that's a short version of WY.