Quote from @Sonia Vanegas:
thank you for your responses. I do have the text message conversation where the landlord agreed to the reduction in exchange of the two bedrooms. The landlord was originally trying to charge us for them to hire someone to come and paint the rooms before moving into the premises, we didnt agree to that. On the lease agreement the rental value shows the $3100. If we dont come to an agreement and they void the clause can they enforce us to pay the $3200 when our rent states our monthly payment is $3100.
Yes. Enactment of the clause depends upon the lessor (landlord) agreeing to the colors and rooms to be painted. If you say 2 rooms and they say 5 rooms there's no agreement. That you already painted two rooms is immaterial, unless you have it somewhere in writing that 2 rooms is what they agreed to. In your texts it should say something along the lines of "Per clause X we are proposing to paint living room and master bedroom and no others". If they agreed to that, then the clause appears to be fulfilled assuming the lessor approved the quality of work.
The entire clause is kind of sorry in the way it's put together and reeks of amateurish property management by an owner. I don't let tenants paint anything because they largely do a crappy job, and I don't negotiate anything on rent. I would have paid a painter $1200 to repaint the two rooms and had you pay $3200 before I would have done anything like this.
From your angle, I would find out what other rooms they thought you were painting and what color, because there would have had to be agreement on that before you started painting.